Saturday, July 23, 2011

Last Diet Coke

24 Hours without a Diet Coke - my addiction.  I feel sad leaving it behind but I know I must look forward to what is in store for me in the future.  This is the first of many "old habits" that I will say goodbye to, with tears in my eyes.

Last night I was bragging to my husband about my victory with Diet Coke and told him that my next step is to get totally off of caffeine.  I love my iced tea as well.  He said to let him know when I was going to do that because he would go to a hotel for a week. LOL

I tried my first protein drink Isopure, Tropical flavored that I bought from GNC.   I took one sip and immediately I felt like hairs were growing on my tongue and lips.  I waited for the feeling to pass and gave it one more try.  This protein drink is NOT for me.  Tastes okay but who wants hair growing on your tongue?

I have discovered sugar free Popsicles but keep looking over at my husband eating Rocky Road ice cream.  This is going to be a long hard battle.  I must win this war with obesity. 

YoYo No Mo

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