Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Caffiene Headache

For the past 2 days I have limited myself to only a couple of iced teas a day.  It's 1:30pm and I have a splitting headache!  I'm not sure how to get off  this "drug" they call caffiene.  That's what it feels like to me anyway, a drug.  So I decided to do a little research to find out WHY I have to quit the caffiene prior to surgery.  Just incase there was a loop hole.  Omitting caffiene pre surgery is to get you as healthy as you can be and to start learning new habits you will follow post surgery.  Caffiene causes dehydration and doctors do not want it to interfer with getting your fluids in after surgery.  No loop holes.

I went to the Farmer's Market today to buy some fresh fruites and vegetables.  It felt so European to me, like vacation.  I loved it.  They close off the entire street every Tuesday morning to sell fresh local grown vegetables, fruits, homemade breads, nuts, fish etc.  I brought a couple of bags to carry home my purchases but next time I will bring a little rolling cart because it was a long walk back to the car.  I sampled avocado/cilantro hummus for my first time on wheat greek pita bread and it was delicious.  I actually came home and had some for breakfast along with a white nectarine. YUMMY.  I will definately visit the Farmer's Market again soon.

YoYo No Mo

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