Saturday, July 30, 2011

Strands Beach, Dana Point (Funicular/Tram)

Yesterday my DD1 invited me to go the the beach with their entire family.  Each grandchild got to bring a friend.  Not sure who's friend I was LOL.  I'm terrified of heights so when they told me I was going to ride a funicular/tram down to the beach I was nervous to say the least.  It was fun - maybe that's why they call it the funicular.  I could have opted to walk down the stairs but because I hurt my knee last Saturday I didn't want to take any chances with the stairs.  The beach was beautiful and not wall to wall people.  There were 20 million dollar homes above our heads as we lounge on the beach.  I walked the beach for an hour and enjoyed the sunshine.  The waves were magnificent and the boys had fun boogie boarding.  I had such a great time and was so grateful I was invited to share a new adventure with my DD1 and family.

Today is my first day without caffeine YIKES!  I had dinner out with my DH.  Note* I have never quit drinking soda OR caffeine in my entire life!  So I'm a bit on edge seeing others ordering iced tea and sodas.  I've been married to my DH for 39 years and out of those 39 years he drinks water ALL of the time.  If he drinks anything with caffeine he won't sleep for days.  But what did he order tonight for dinner?  A black cherry SODA!  I almost fell off my chair.  I told him how hard it was for me and he said, "I won't do it again".  He better sleep with one eye open tonight. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Caffiene Headache

For the past 2 days I have limited myself to only a couple of iced teas a day.  It's 1:30pm and I have a splitting headache!  I'm not sure how to get off  this "drug" they call caffiene.  That's what it feels like to me anyway, a drug.  So I decided to do a little research to find out WHY I have to quit the caffiene prior to surgery.  Just incase there was a loop hole.  Omitting caffiene pre surgery is to get you as healthy as you can be and to start learning new habits you will follow post surgery.  Caffiene causes dehydration and doctors do not want it to interfer with getting your fluids in after surgery.  No loop holes.

I went to the Farmer's Market today to buy some fresh fruites and vegetables.  It felt so European to me, like vacation.  I loved it.  They close off the entire street every Tuesday morning to sell fresh local grown vegetables, fruits, homemade breads, nuts, fish etc.  I brought a couple of bags to carry home my purchases but next time I will bring a little rolling cart because it was a long walk back to the car.  I sampled avocado/cilantro hummus for my first time on wheat greek pita bread and it was delicious.  I actually came home and had some for breakfast along with a white nectarine. YUMMY.  I will definately visit the Farmer's Market again soon.

YoYo No Mo

Monday, July 25, 2011

Protein Samples

I spent most of my morning on the computer and telephone ordering sample packets of protein powders, bars, vitamins and supplements.  I need to test some of these out before surgery.  Some are free and others I had to pay the shipping cost. They should be in my mailbox within 5 days.
Below is a list of items I ordered today:


CLICK - 5 free packets of protein - $6.95 for shipping
Nectar protein sample box $13.00 
Unjury protein samples
4 Ever Fit protein samples
Designer Whey protein samples
Bell Plantation - out of protein samples $3.99, I should call back in 3 days  229-387-7238


Bariatric Advantage - sub lingual and chewable samples
Celebrate Bariatric Supplements - vitamin samples
Building Blocks - vitamin samples

I hope I find something that I like.  I feel pretty good about shopping for samples before buying a big container of something I don't like. ie Isopure (hairy tongue drink).


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Last Diet Coke

24 Hours without a Diet Coke - my addiction.  I feel sad leaving it behind but I know I must look forward to what is in store for me in the future.  This is the first of many "old habits" that I will say goodbye to, with tears in my eyes.

Last night I was bragging to my husband about my victory with Diet Coke and told him that my next step is to get totally off of caffeine.  I love my iced tea as well.  He said to let him know when I was going to do that because he would go to a hotel for a week. LOL

I tried my first protein drink Isopure, Tropical flavored that I bought from GNC.   I took one sip and immediately I felt like hairs were growing on my tongue and lips.  I waited for the feeling to pass and gave it one more try.  This protein drink is NOT for me.  Tastes okay but who wants hair growing on your tongue?

I have discovered sugar free Popsicles but keep looking over at my husband eating Rocky Road ice cream.  This is going to be a long hard battle.  I must win this war with obesity. 

YoYo No Mo

Psychiatrist, Internist & Surgeon All In One (My First Post)

I left my house at 7:30 this morning and picked my sister up (she wanted to go with me).  I got home after we had dinner at Anthony's Fish Grotto looking out over the ocean at 8:15 last night - long day and drive.  However, everything went great.

I met with the psychiatrist first for about 45 minutes to go over my life history etc.  Then I met with the internist.  I have a story about his appointment.  When I walked down the hall going to the room to wait and see the doctor I noticed a guitar in his office, so when he walked in to see me I asked him if he played guitar.  He said, "yes, do you"?  I told him that I come from a very musical family and that growing up we only watched the news and music/variety shows like Ed Sullivan, Hee Haw, Donnie and Marie Osmond, Smother's Brothers and Glen Campbell.  Everyday of my life we played guitar and sang songs.  My dad taught me to first play the ukulele at 9 years old because my fingers were too short to learn the guitar.  Then when I was 11 he taught me how to play guitar.  After telling him this story he said, "I want you to do something for me".  I said, "what"?  He said, "When you leave here and see Dr. Rumsey (surgeon) I want you to tell him that I am not releasing you for surgery because this surgery may damage your vocal chords and that he's not willing to take the chance of damaging my singing voice".  I told him that I would play his little joke on Dr. Rumsey.  Then he said, "okay, let's practise".  He left the room and entered again saying, "Hi, I'm Dr. Rumsey".  I played along (while still lying on the table) and he loved that I played the part like a pro.  The doctor high fived me and began to laugh.  Then said, "get dressed and we'll sing a couple of songs.  I said, "okay".  When I came out he had brought his guitar and we both began to sing down the hallway.  He opened a door to another patient having a test with another doctor, a nurse opened the door and let my sister in and we all sang to that patient and other doctor - in fact we sang 2 songs.  He was such a kick in the pants.  I'll never forget that doctor appointment.  Thanks Dr. Bressler for the chuckle.

Then we walked to another building to see the surgeon, Dr. Rumsey.  When he came in I shook his hand and he began to go over my records with me and I said, "before we start I have some concerns about something Dr. Bressler just said about this surgery damaging my vocal chords and I love to sing (told him the whole story etc.)"  I kept a very serious face and the doctor was looking at me like I was crazy!!!!  He had a very concerned look on his face.  I couldn't hold in my laughter any longer and said, "Dr. Bressler MADE ME PLAY THIS JOKE ON YOU"!  He almost rolled on the floor with laughter.  He said, "he has patients play jokes on me all of the time and I never expect them".  I said, "why don't you play a joke back on him and have someone go in with a clipboard saying that's he's in violation of Code AB5769 for having a dog in his office (which he does) and leave him a letter saying that he has to appear in court etc.  Dr. Rumsey thought that was a great idea and said he will definitely do that.

Dr. Rumsey examined me and looked over my chart and said that I was an ideal patient for this surgery (RNY).  I was given a CD to watch on my computer to tell me what to do before and after surgery as well as a list of vitamins etc.  He said it will take 21 days for me to hear from his office about my surgery date which should be the end of September.  But I'm going to do what my sister did and get on a cancellation list to hopefully have it sooner because she is going on vacation the end of September - October and she wants to stay with me in the hospital etc.  My husband is okay with that because his work is VERY busy during the summer months and he hates hospitals.  Of course he will be there for the surgery and visit me but Kaiser pays for someone to stay with you (hotel) for 3 days and pays for their food, gas expenses.  My sister has offered to stay with me to make sure everything is taken care of properly (Dr. Rumsey did her RNY
8 weeks ago).  I'm thankful to have such a loving and caring sister.  Also, I have a little 3lb. yorkie that  I'm worried about leaving alone and I want to have my husband come home to her every night.

Needless, to say I WORRIED so much about these appointments and it was a breeze.  I'm so glad to have this behind me.  Now I have to wein myself from the diet coke - that's my addiction.