Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Anxiety #1:
Last week we found out that our new house closes escrow 2 days after my scheduled surgery on 9/20. My husband says not to worry that he will take care of the move.  I kind of like that part since just a couple of months ago we sold our house which was 3,400 sq. ft. and I packed it by myself  (except his closet of course). 

Anxiety #2:
My sister had planned on staying with me at the hospital for my surgery.  Unfortunately, on my date of surgery she had previous airline tickets for a London/Scotland vacation with her husband.  I so was looking forward to her being there with me.  She had RNY this past May.  It kind of felt like my mom would be there with me.  My husband will be there for me at the hospital.  I just hate to take him away from his work for 3-4 days.

Anxiety #3:
My dog Roxy, a 3 lb. Yorkie.  My plan was for my husband to visit me at the hospital and then come home and take care of Roxy.  I need to find another plan.

How Am I Handling The Anxiety?

Not too good!  Today I've managed to pick 3 dry areas on my FACE and caused them to bleed (something I've never done before).  I didn't wash the dishes until 5pm (yesterday's dishes) and I just brushed my teeth at 5:30pm (disgusting, huh?).  Wondering how my husband will react to the 3 Sponge Bob Square Pants Band-Aids on my face when he gets home from work.

YoYo No Mo

Friday, August 12, 2011


This morning  I was talking to a friend on the phone and telling her how much I want to try ZUMBA but I'm afraid of not knowing how to do it and basically keeping up with everyone.  She said that LA Fitness has a class and that I should look at the schedule.  Still on the phone, I walked over to look at the schedule (that I never use) and noticed there was a class in 10 minutes!  My friend said, "GO"!  I hung up the phone, brushed my teeth and ran out the door with a bottle of water.  I didn't have time to get nervous because I had to rush to the gym, which is across the street.

What is Zumba?  Zumba is a fitness class that combines dance and fitness moves.  Inspired by Latin dance and music, Zumba uses a variety of styles in its routines, including cumbia, merengue, salsa, reggaeton, mambo, rumba, flamenco, and hip hop. Music selections include both fast and slow rhythms to help tone and sculpt the body. You could burn between 350 to 900 calories PER class, BUT it all depends on how you exert yourself.

Physically burning between 300-900 calories in one hour is totally a win for me.  Mentally it helped relieve stress, and stimulated my brain by learning coordination and new steps.  Plus it makes me smile and sweat at the same time.  After one class I'm hooked and can't wait to attend another class.  Looks like I'm adding another compulsive behavior to my list. 
Out with the old (Diet Coke Addict) in with the new (Zumba Addict).

If you haven't tried this class I highly recommend it.  There's no time like NOW. 

That's what friends are for - ENCOURAGEMENT!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Talking In My Sleep

Last night I awoke my husband at 2am while we were both sound asleep saying, "Here they are I found the keys over here".  I thought he was going to jump right out of his skin.  I don't know why I said it SO loud, but I did.  Today I decided to look up why people talk in their sleep.  What I found was that some people with sleeping disorders ie. sleep apnea and stress may burst out and talk in their sleep.  Sure enough that's me.  The stress came from the phone call about my surgery date and also earlier in the day both my husband and I were discussing where the keys are to the POD that has all of our furniture.  We will be moving in a couple of weeks - thus my concern about finding the keys and talking about it in my sleep.  Yes, I suffer from sleep apnea and I am one of those people that refuse to wear the CPAP machine.  I can't bear the thought of that mask covering my mouth.  Therefore, I suffer the consequences of lack of sleep.  I get up on the average of 6 times a night, get a drink, use the bathroom, turn the air up and then back to bed.  I'm overweight but I also have a large tongue which as you know when you sleep everything relaxes and it closes off my air passage way.  I get my "big" tongue from my dad, which makes me smile. He too was embarrassed of his tongue.  Dentists always bring their associates to see it and my doctor has brought other doctors to see it.  Geez, if I were a man and it was not my tongue but another body part (down there) maybe I'd be proud to show it off.  But it's just my tongue. I dread going to sleep at night worrying about the position I have to get in to be able to breath comfortably.  I am so looking forward to a good night sleep.  I am in hopes that this RNY surgery will help my sleep apnea.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Sugery Date!

I retired over a year ago.  The girl that replaced me (Jone), sent me an email saying that the surgeon's office called and you've been scheduled for surgery on September 20, 2011.  Can't believe they still have that old  number on file at the doctor's office.  Jone was concerned and asked if I had gotten the message at home.  I am one of those people that has chosen to only tell my best friend and my family.  Working in the same place for 31 years, all the woman have seen me at my lowest weight and highest weight.  They've seen me try every gimmick possible to lose weight.  I am just so ashamed that I cannot do this on my own and I am not willing to once again expose myself to their judgement.  It doesn't mean I won't tell them one day - but for now I'm keeping it between me and my family.

Surgery Date:  September 20, 2011